

We kindly invite you to participate in the online lecture „Principles of Surgery for Colorectal Cancer“ by Prof. Tomas Poškus (Clinic of Gastroenterology, Nephro-Urology and Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine). The lecture is being held on the 21 February, 9 a. m. This lecture is part of the Lithuanian-Japanese initiative “From Cell Biology to Surgery and Beyond”.

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ID: 892 8882 5557

Password: 639991


From Cell Biology to Surgery and Beyond” initiative

Lithuanian-Japanese initiative is the new international academic initiative to help students in comprehensive understanding of a disease mechanism, selection of the appropriate surgical or systemic treatment and providing the opportunity to discuss.

The 4th and 5th year students are invited to take part in the meetings of the project implemented by Prof. Kęstutis Strupas and Dr. Aistė Kielaitė-Gulla with their colleagues surgeons from Kansai Medical University (Japan). On-line (remote) lectures of Japanese and Lithuanian academic surgeons as well as presentation of good clinical and surgical practice will be offered during these meetings.

Lectures on pancreatic, hepatic, colorectal and gastric as well as pediatric surgery have been anticipated. Twice per month held lectures will be illustrated with 3D visual aids and video fragments of the surgeries. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions and to discuss the selected topics during the on-line meetings a well as to integrate the achievements of scientific research.