

Dear students, 

International life sciences conference “The COINS 2023” organizers would like to invite you to attend the conference on April 24th – 27th in Vilnius University Life Sciences center. 

This year you will have the opportunity to listen to lectures from well-known scientists across Europe and America, present your scientific research during poster and oral presentations sessions, attend a company fair, or get involved in other activities. Participants will be able to present their research on a variety of topics, get valuable feedback from acknowledged researchers in their field of research and receive prizes for their excellence. 

The registration deadline for the presentation session for VU Faculty of Medicine (FM) bachelor, masters and integrated study programs students is March 20th. VU FM will fully pay your registration fee if the code down below is used during registration. The number of paid registrations is limited. 

Registration instructions: 

  1. Open the respective link:
  2. In the “Ticket number” box, enter the following code:
    • Poster presentation: The-COINS-2023-P-FM; 
    • Oral presentation: The-COINS-2023-O-FM.
  3. These codes are valid for FM bachelor, masters and integrated study programs students only. Thus, we ask you not to disclose them to parties outside the VU FM; 
  4. Provide other necessary information. 

For more information, visit

With all questions regarding presentation sessions, write to . 

With all general questions about the conference, write to