
News about studies

We invite you to participate in the exchange  program during Autumn semester of the 2024-2025 academic exchanges!

Choose your country/-ies, university/-ies, and fill in the registration form for the selection.

IMPORTANT! You can apply for several exchange applications at the same time, but you must select your priority. Registration for Erasmus+ exchange will be open until February 29th midnight. The list of ERASMUS partners can be found here.

ARQUS / Coimbra and bilateral exchange will be open from February 13th until 29th midnight.

Information about ARQUS / Coimbra can be found here. Information about bilateral exchange can be found here.

Do you have any questions about exchanges?

Join the online seminar about the exchange:

Follow the news on Facebook - VU International Relations (@VUTarptautiniaiRysiai).

For more information about exchange options, please visit this page.

If you have any questions, please contact the International Relations Department via e-mail: